Outreach Activities

Since research in physics is my passion, I am thrilled to talk about my reseach in various channels, hoping to convince also others that studying physics is the right choice. Equally important, I hope to convince those, who already doing something else than physics, that funding basic reseach is never a lost investment eventhough the direct benefits on daily life ight not be visible right away. For me, doing basic research is a unique chance of mankind as part of our universe to understand the universe itself (I hope this sentence makes sense). Some selected outreach activities are listed below.

3Sat - Rätselhafte Welt der Quanten

PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence

Gutenberg Research College

ATLAS Video on W Mass Measurement

My Blog: Physics, Life and all the Rest

To be honest, I have no real long-term strategy on the topics that I cover on my blog and I update it as rarely as the homepahe. This whole thing starts in a train ride from Frankfurt to Nuremberg, which I am frequently on. Typically, I use this time to answer emails, prepare lectures or write grant proposals, however, sometimes I need breaks. So, thr blog will not mainly be written for you, rather than written as a self-entertainment exercise. I am happy to read comments, I almost certainly will think about them, but I don’t plan to get involved into any discussions (as said, I do this as a break, not because I am bored).

Physics in the Pub

During the summer term 2014, I launched the first round of a new program under the name ‘Physics in the Pub’, contacting over hundred schools in the wider region and advertising this lecture series via local newspapers. In the end, I had an average audience of fifty people – mostly school students and teachers – meeting every second Monday during the semester in a local pub or cafe in Mainz, listening to topics ranging from ‘Physics of Star Trek’ over ‘Physics and Esoteric’ to ‘Schrödinger’s Cat’. Due to the success of this series, I repeat this series on a two years basis until the COVID-19 break. But I still plan to repeat those in events in Bonn (once I find a bit of time).

Physics in the Pub
© Matthias Schott
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