Publications and Talks
Some Thoughts about the Publication List of Experimental High Energy Physicists
Since my PhD times I am member of several of the large particle physics experiments, e.g. ATLAS at LHC and DZero at the Tevatron Collider. I am also a member of several smaller collaborations. Interesting Physics at the energy frontier cannot be done only in your own lab or without the help of others. This implies that I am co-author of many hundert papers. Did I really write so many papers? Clearly not - but it is a rule of the collaborations in high energy physics that everybody who is part of the collaboration also signs the papers which are based on the usage of the common experimental setup, i.e. our particle detector. Since we present the authors in alphabetical order, it is very difficult for outsiders to figure out, what a single person actually has contributed.
One way to figure it out, is to contact the management of the experiment (e.g. publication committees, group-leaders). An other way is, to trust the people what they claim ('cause false claims will always be discovered in our field), however, try to ask, what exactly they did for the publication.

I will give in the following some selected papers, which I consider as the most important ones in my career (either citation-wise or content-wise). I think I have significantly contributed to all mentioned papers. This is also the reason, why I do not list the Higgs-discovery paper: I was working at that time on the measurement of the WW diboson production within the SM. This is the most dominant background for the Higgs-decay in two W bosons. We had lots of meeting and discussions with the Higgs-group at time, shaping and helping to understand their background. However, I would not claim, that the Higgs would have not been discovered, when one takes me out of the equation.
Below you find a list of selected papers for different research topics, of which I am kind of prouf of and a short explanation why. A full list of my publications can be found here.
- ATLAS Collaboration, Measurement of the W-boson mass in pp collisions at 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Relevance/Contribution: This measurement was the result of my main research project from 2012-2016, leading to the best single measurement world-wide and confirming the SM - Stefano Camarda, Giancarlo Ferrera, Matthias Schott, Determination of the strong-coupling constant from the Z-boson transverse-momentum distribution, arXiv:2203.05394, Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024)
Relevance/Contribution: Co-Development of analyses methodology (as a co-results of the W Boson mass) - Gfitter Collaboration: The Electroweak Fit of the Standard Model after the Discovery of a New Boson at the LHC, arXiv:1209.2716, Eur.Phys.J. C72 (2012) 2205
Relevance/Contribution: Implementation of several BSM models in Gfitter
- Bianco, M., Schott, M. and others, Construction of two large-size four plane Micromegas
First realization of Micromegas Detectors following the future design of detectors for the ATLAS Muon Upgrade Program. My research group was largely financing, co-developing, co-constructing and testing these prototypes. - M. Schott et. al., Signal Characteristics of a Resistive-Strip Micromegas Detector with an Integrated Two-Dimensional Readou
This was just a very small project, but the first one, which we did solely alone in my new lab - so we are a little proud of it - M. Schott et. al., Development and Study of a Micromegas Pad-Detector for High Rate Applications
The developed technology might be used as baseline for a future high-rate detector for the next phase of the ATLAS Upgrade
ATLAS Collaboration, Evidence for light-by-light scattering in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
I initiated this analysis within the ATLAS Collaboration following my activities for the measurement of the vacuum magnetic birefringence at the OSQAR Experiment -
OSQAR Collaboration, New Exclusion Limits for the Search of Scalar and Pseudoscalar Axion-Like Particles from "Light Shining Through a Wall“
World-leading limit on axion-like particles on purely lab-based experiments, where my research group was co-responsible for the data taking, data analysis and paper editorial -
ATLAS Collaboration, Search for short- and long-lived axion-like particles in H->2a->4y decays with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
This is one of the main results of my ERC Grant Light@LHC
- M. Schott and M. Dunford, Review of single vector boson production in pp collisions at 7 TeV
Summary of my research activities from 2010-2014 - M. Schott and J. Zhu, Diboson production in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV
Summary of my research activities from 2012-2014 - J. Erler and M. Schott, Electroweak Precision Tests of the Standard Model after the Discovery of the Higgs Boson
Summary of my research activities from 2012-2019Aufklapp-Text
- M. Schott and K. Schmieden, A Global Network of Cavities to Search for Gravitational Waves (GravNet): A novel scheme to hunt gravitational waves signatures from the early universe
Searching for High-Frequency Gravitation Waves using Cavity Based Experiments - M. Schott and K. Schmieden, Supax: A new axion search experiment using superconductive cavities
First Idea on our local experiment to search for axion like particles - M. Schott, F. Neuhaus, R. Wanke, C. Wang, D. Chouhan , NaNu: Proposal for a Neutrino Experiment at the SPS Collider located at the North Area of CERN
New experimental proposal for Neutrino Physics at the ECN-3 Location
I am interested in quite a few topics and hence I like to work also outside of the topics mentioned above. Here are some examples. Some of them are really nice ideas of which I am quite proud.
- L. Heger, K. Akdogan, M. Schott, Why a Mayor cannot Change the Course of a Pandemic -- An agent-based Study on the Covid Spread on Local Level in Germany
Study on the impact of local politics on the spread of Covid-19 - L. Heger, K. Akdogan, M. Schott, On the Impact of School Closures on COVID-19 Transmission in Germany using an agent-based Simulation
Study on the impact of school closures on the spread of Covid-19 - Volodymyr Biloshytsky , Vladimir Pascalutsa, Lucian Harland-Lang, Bogdan Malaescu, Kristof Schmieden, The two-photon decay of X(6900) from light-by-light scattering at the LHC
Nice reinterpretation of our light-by-light results. - Benedikt Maier, Siddharth M. Narayanan, Gianfranco de Castro, Maxim Goncharov, Christoph Paus, Matthias Schott, Pile-up mitigation using attention
New method to suppress pile-up using attention neural networks - Stefano Camarda, Giancarlo Ferrera, Matthias Schott, Determination of the strong-coupling constant from the Z-boson transverse-momentum distribution
New idea to measure the strong coupling constant and the most precise measurement at colliders - Bogdan Malaescu, Matthias Schott, Impact of correlations between alphaMu and alphaQCD on the EW fit
Studying the impact of the correlations w.r.t. the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon interpretations - M. Dyndal, M. Klusek-Gawenda, M. Schott, A. Szczurek, Anomalous electromagnetic moments of tau lepton in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC
New idea to study the anomalous electromagnetic moments of tau lepton at the LHC - DY-Turbo Collaboration (S. Camarda, M. Schott, et. al.), DYTurbo: Fast predictions for Drell-Yan processes
Monte Carlo Generator for the Drell-Yan process at the LHC, which is - as the name says - very fast. - Christopher G. Lester, Matthias Schott, Testing non-standard sources of parity violation in jets at the LHC, trialled with CMS Open Data
This was my first paper which is based on CMS Open Data and caused quite some stress :) - S. Carmada, J. Cuth, M. Schott, Determination of the muonic branching ratio of the W boson and its total width via cross-section measurements at the Tevatron and LHC
Small side-project to determine the W-boson width independently from the big collaborations, resulting in a competative width and branching ratio - M. Boonekamp and M. Schott, Z boson transverse momentum spectrum from the lepton angular distributions
Not a really ground breaking paper, but it was the first one in high energy physics, which I published outside the big collaborations.
Conference, Colloquia and Seminar Talks
This is not supposed to be a full list of my talks, presentations, seminars and conference contributions. I just use this side to keep track of talks (and their slides) for which I prefer to have a backup at some point in time - during one of my first conferences, I forgot my slides at home (and this should not happen again :-) ). Hence do not expect that all links are working, since they might be just outdated.
- AlphaS-Workshop, Trento, Italy (February 2024): Measurement of the strong coupling constant with ATLAS
- Bormio, Italy (January 2024): Non Perturbative Effects in QCD
- Moriond QCD Conference (March 2023): A new measurement of the W boson mass by ATLAS
- LaThuile (March 2023): Heavy Ion Physics
- Patras Workshop (August 2022): Search for Weakly Interacting Particles with the FASER Experiment
- RECFA Meeting, Berlin (April 2022): Small(er) Experiments, Light(er) Particles and Huge Discovery Potential
- Moriond QCD Conference (March 2022): Revival of the Search for QCD Instanton Processes
- Offshell Workshop (July 2021): Studies of the H->bb process at the LHeC using a full simulation
- ICHEP 2020 (Prag / Virtual): Instantons at the LHC
- EPS-HEP 2019 (Gent, Belgium): Challenges and Opportunities of Cross Section Measurements with CMS Open Data
- Moriond-QCD 2018 (LaThuile, Italy): Precision Electroweak Measurements with ATLAS
- LaThuile-2018 (LaThuile, Italy): QCD in gauge-boson production at the LHC
- APS April Meeting, Washington USA (January 2017): Axion Searches with Light-Through-Wall Type Experiments (Link)
- CTEQ/MCNet School DESY, Hamburg (August 2016): Lectures on Electroweak Boson Production at the LHC (PDF)
- ECT, Trento, Italy (August 2016): Electroweak Precision Measurements and Direct Searches for New Physics at the LHC (PDF)
- Physics at the LHC Lund, Sweden (June 2016): Electroweak Physics at Hadron Colliders (PDF)
- Blois, France (2015): Search for Pseudoscalar and Scalar Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles (PDF)
- DPG, Dresden, Germany (2012): Electroweak Precision Measurements in the View of New Physics (Plenary Talk) (PDF)
- LHC School,Quy Nhon, Vietnam (2012): Lectures: Experimental Aspects on the Standard Model of Particle Physics at the LHC (PDF)
- Physics at the LHC, Perugia, Italy (2011): Search for first and second generation leptoquarks at the ATLAS Experiment (PDF)
- Photon 2011, Spa, Belgium (2011): Recent Results of the OSQAR Experiment (PDF)
- LHC Luminosity Days, CERN, Switzerland (2011): Measurement of the Z boson production cross-section at the ATLAS experiment with the first data (PDF)
- ICPST, Dubai 2011: Feasibility Study of Industrial Applications of Micromegas Detectors (PDF)
- Higgs-Hunter, Orsay, France (2011): Indirect constraints on Higgs mass (and on new physics) (PDF)
- EPS-HEP, Grenoble, France (2011): The global electroweak fit and constraints on new physics (PDF)
- EPS-HEP, Grenoble, France (2011): Development and Performance of spark-resistant Micromegas Detectors(PDF)
- Physics at the LHC, Perugia, Italy (2011): Recent electroweak results from ATLAS (PDF)
- Epiphany, Cracow, Poland (2011): Status of the ATLAS Experiment (PDF)
- SPIN Praha, Prague, Czech Republic (2009): Overview and Status report of the OSQAR experiment (PDF)
- Hadron Structure 2009, Strba, Slovakia (2009): Studies of kaonic final states at COMPASS (PDF)
- EPS-HEP, Manchester, UK (2007): Z boson production at LHC with first data (for the ATLAS and CMS collaborations) (PDF)
- Physics at the LHC, Cracow, Poland (2006): Measurement of the Z boson production cross-section at the ATLAS experiment with the first data (PDF)
- Max Planch Institute for Physics Colloquium (October 2023): Bread and Butter Physics - Axion Searches
- Technical University of Munich Physics Colloquium (September 2023): Bread and Butter Physics - W Boson Mass
- StonyBook Colloquium, USA (September 2023): Searches for Axion-Like Particles at the LHC
- MIT Colloquium, USA (September 2023): Precision Measurements of the W Boson Mass
- Karlsruhe (July 2022): W Boson Mass Measurements
- University of Sheffield (December 2020): Status of Axion Searches
- Queen Mary College London (January 2019): Measurement of the W Boson Mass
- University of Michigan (January 2019): Electroweak precision measurements at the LHC and at future colliders
- Brookhaven National Lab (December 2018): The Global Electroweak Fit in the light of the new results from the LHC
- University of Bonn (May 2018): Future strategy on Electron-Proton and Electron-Ion Colliders
- MPI Colloquium, Munich, Germany (February 2017): Precision Physics at the Energy Frontier - New Physics without Bumps
- DESY Colloquium, Berlin/Hamburg (January 2017): W Boson Mass Measurements (Link)
- Uni. Washington Seminar, USA (December 2016): Precision W Boson Mass Measurement with ATLAS (PDF)
- Colloqium, Uni. of Pennsylvania, USA (2015): Measurements of the W boson mass and its Impact on the Electroweak Fit (PDF)
- Colloqium, Uni. of Wuerzburg, Germany (2015): Physik bei 13 Teraelektronenvolt: Standardmodell oder neue Physik? (PDF)
- Junge DPG, Germany (2014): Von Waschmitteln, Dunkler Materie und Quantenchromodynamik (PDF)
- Colloqium, Uni. Marburg, Germany (2014): Discovery of the Higgs Boson at the LHC (PDF)
- Colloqium, Uni. Frankfurt, Germany (2013): Search for Axions and Axion Like Particles (PDF)