High Energy Particle Physics and Detector Physics
Our group is specialised in high energy particle physics. Among other things the group is engaged in experimental research on the fundamental interactions and constituents of matter. Another focus lies on research and development of new detectors for particle physics experiments with special interest in semiconductor pixel detectors. Moreover, the applications of such sensors for X-ray photon detection for medical imaging and material science are investigated.

ATLAS is one of the four large detectors at the proton-proton collider LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at the Centre of European Particle Physics CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire).

Belle/Belle II Experiment
Our group participates in the Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan.

Detector Physics
One focus of our group lies on research and development of new detectors for particle physics experiments with special interest in semiconductor pixel detectors. Moreover, the applications of such sensors for X-ray photon detection for medical imaging and material science are investigated.

Das ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER) ist ein neues, kleines Experiment am Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Es wurde gebaut um nach leichten, schwach-wechselwirkenden Teilchen zu suchen.

Other Projects
Further projects our group is working on.

Prof. Dr. Florian Bernlochner

Prof. Dr. Jochen Dingfelder

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tatjana Lenz

Prof. Dr. Norbert Wermes
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/homepage#HEP_Research
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- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/homepage#HEP_Collab
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/thesis-topics/open-positions
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/atlas/homepage
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/belle/homepage
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/detector-development
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/faser/coming-soon
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/research_hep1/en/other/coming-soon
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/bernlochner/en
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/bernlochner/en/members/homepage
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/dingfelder/en
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/dingfelder/en/members/homepage
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/lenz/en
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/lenz/en/members/homepage
- https://www.pi.uni-bonn.de/wermes/en