About us
In the following we present our team:
Corinna Kollath
Research interest:
theoretical quantum physics, condensed matter physics, quantum gases, quantum many body systems, numerical methods, tensor network methods
Ameneh Sheikhan
Research interest:
Driven quantum systems, Open quantum systems, Strongly correlated systems, Non-equilibrium phenomena in many body systems, Numerical methods, Matrix Product State (MPS) Method
Anne-Maria Visuri
Research interest:
Quantum transport, nonequilibrium phenomena, ultracold atoms, open quantum systems, impurities, low dimensions. Analytic and numerical methods such as the Keldysh formalism, bosonization, and matrix product states.
Franco Lisandrini
Research interest:
Strongly correlated systems. Frustrated systems. Topological states of matter. Matrix product state algorithms.
Neda Ahmadi
Research interest:
Collective behavior in strongly correlated systems, frustrated spin systems, topological phases of matter, tensor network states, and the dynamics of disordered systems.
Luisa Tolle
Research interest:
Florin Hemmann
Research interest:
Scattering in one-dimensional quantum systems
Karin Haderlein
Research interest:
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