© S. Galeski

Dr. Stanislaw Galeski

Topological correlated quantum matter under extreme conditions. 


One of the central themes of modern physics is the quest for the identification of fundamental constituents of matter (particles). Although this reductionist approach provides one part of the puzzle necessary to understand the physical world, an equally important issue is to understand how particles interact with each other since it is the interactions between particles that lead to the emergence of the overwhelming complexity of states of matter found around us. As such, it becomes obvious that a collection of interacting particles can be much more than just the sum of its constituents. Indeed, interactions between particles can lead to breaking conservation laws, the emergence of new collective excitations, and the proliferation of exotic states of matter. The study of emergence and competition between different collective quantum phases of matter and their, often topological, excitations is a key focus area of condensed matter physics.

At the heart of my interest is the experimental study of topologically correlated quantum matter. Most of the experiments are performed in state-of-the-art, large-scale facilities such as synchrotrons, neutron sources, or high magnetic field facilities. Thanks to close collaboration with the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, I can focus on the study of properties of quantum matter under extreme conditions: sub-Kelvin temperatures and high magnetic fields up to 70 Tesla. Although at first glance, performing experiments in such extreme environments seems impractical, it grants access to some of the most fascinating and potentially technologically relevant physical phenomena of modern physics, including unconventional superconductivity, electron fractionalization, and even access to quantum violations of classical conservation laws—quantum anomalies.

Research Highlights:

New applications of the smallest dilatometer.

Development of instrumentation is crucial in the study of quantum matter. We expand the use of the world's smallest capacitive dilatometer, achieving record-high resolution at millikelvin temperatures.

Review: Quantum Hall effect in 3D.

The discovery of the quantum Hall effect marked a turning point in condensed matter physics. Here we describe both theoretical and experimental attempts to generalize the effect to 3D.

Topological Lifshitz Transition.

Application of strong magnetic fields can significantly alter the ground state of electrons. Here, we demonstrate a topological transition from 1D Dirac to 1D Weyl fermions.

Scaling in quantum spin ladders.

In 1D, even the smallest defects can have dramatic consequences. Here, we show that disorder in quasi-1D systems always leads to the emergence of a new form of scaling of correlation functions.

Quasi-quantized 3D Hall effect.

The discovery of the Quantum Hall Effect in 3D has challenged our understanding of physics in strong magnetic fields. We show that the quasi-QHE in 3D emerges from the Dirac nature of electrons in ZrTe5.

Unconventional Hall response.

Electrons in quantizing magnetic fields are expected to undergo a series of transitions. We show the emergence of a new exotic state of matter in the quantum limit of the Dirac semimetal HfTe5.


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Dr. Stanislaw Galeski

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