02. August 2024

Physikshow-Musical opens its doors again Physikshow-Musical opens its doors again

Students at the University of Bonn sing about what makes our planet unique in "PLANETAMOS"

The physics show at the University of Bonn invites you to a new edition of its musical "PLANETAMOS": On Friday, August 23, at 2:30 and 6:30 pm and on Saturday, August 24, at 11:00 am, students will show what makes life on Earth possible from a physics perspective. In the Wolfgang-Paul-Hörsaal, Kreuzbergweg 28, 53115 Bonn, the audience can expect two hours of entertaining demonstrations and live music. Interested parties and families with children aged twelve and over can now reserve seats free of charge using the registration form. Representatives of the media are cordially invited to report on the event. The show is in German.

2022 performance of the physics show musical at the University of Bonn
2022 performance of the physics show musical at the University of Bonn - “Vita” and “Jupi” experimenting. © Foto: Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn
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For the physics show musical, students whisk the audience away to the galactic planet store "PLANETAMOS". Here, Life (Vita) personally orders a flourishing planet. When his wife, Death (Mortis), enters the planet store, the sales team, consisting of Luna Callisto and Jupi Mercury, really start to sweat. While life and death are initially unable to come to an agreement, experiments are carried out to illustrate how planets are formed, what conditions are necessary for life and how the phases of the moon and seasons are created. The audience is also given exciting insights into the Earth's atmosphere, the global magnetic field and the greenhouse effect - all performed live on stage.

Physics meets entertainment

In this new production, which can be seen in Bonn for the first time in two years, four students take on the singing roles, accompanied by a live ensemble consisting mainly of physics students. Jakob Dietl, a member of the ensemble, describes his enthusiasm for the project: "Physics, music and entertaining knowledge transfer: this combination convinced me right from the start." The new edition brings musical arrangements to the stage to enchant the audience once again.

Planetamos, the University of Bonn's physics show musical, was last performed in 2022.
Planetamos, the University of Bonn's physics show musical, was last performed in 2022. © Foto: Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn

Further information about registration and program on https://www.physikshow.uni-bonn.de

David Ohse
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Universität Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 73-3521
E-Mail: dohse@astro.uni-bonn.de

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