

The ELSA group offers a variety of courses in the field of accelerator physics for bachelor's and master's degree programs. Particularly noteworthy is the “Accelerator Physics” lecture, which takes place in the winter semester. This will be followed by “Advanced Accelerator Physics” in the summer semester. In addition, students can take part in two exciting experiments as part of the Advanced Laboratory Course.


Modules physics612 & physics714

physics612: Accelerator Physics

Understanding the working principle of different types of particle accelerators. Construction and design of simple magneto-optical systems. Basic knowledge of high frequency engineering and technology. Knowledge of linear beam dynamics in particle accelerators.

physics714: Advanced Accelerator Physics

In-depth lecture on accelerator physics: Advanced topics for a deeper understanding of beam dynamics with a special focus on properties of synchrotron radiation, effects caused by synchrotron radiation, charge effects, beam instabilities and beam polarization, as well as other topics.

Accelerator Physics
Lecture Accelerator Physics © ELSA-Group
Lecture Advanced Accelerator Physics
Vorlesung Advanced Accelerator Physics © ELSA-Group

Experiments in the Master Laboratory Course

Module physics601

E106: Radiofrequency Cavities for Particle Acceleration

This experiment familiarizes with fundamental measurement methods of  radiofrequency technology. You are introduced to scalar and vectorial reflection measurements to determine the characteristics of resonant cavities. The eigenmodes and the corresponding quality factors, coupling coefficients and shunt impedances are obtained experimentally and put into context with requirements for particle acceleration.

E207: Laboratory Accelerator Bonn (LAB)

The Lab course Accelerator Bonn setup is a linear, electrostatic electron accelerator specially designed for the advanced laboratory course. This experiment is intended as introduction to the physics and operation of particle accelerators and allows the students to gain experience in the handling and characterization of ion optics.

Experiment E106: Accelerating Cavities
Experiment E106: Radiofrequency Cavities for Particle Acceleration © ELSA-Group
Experiment E207: LAB
Experiment E207: Laboratory Accelerator Bonn (LAB) © ELSA-Group

Current Semester (WiSe 2024/25)

Past Lectures

  • SoSe 2024: Advanced Accelerator Physics, Modul physics714, In-depth lecture
  • WiSe 2023/24: Accelerator Physics, Modul physics612, Elective
  • WiSe 2022/23: Accelerator Physics, Modul physics612, Elective
  • WiSe 2021/22: Accelerator Physics, Modul physics612, Elective
  • WiSe 2020/21: Accelerator Physics, Modul physics612, Elective
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