Guided Tours

Guided Scientific Facility Tours

We offer scientific tours of the accelerator facility for interested upper school classes and students. Students should take a physics course and, if possible, be familiar with the fundamental physical concepts that are used in accelerator physics.

Ideally, students have the following prior knowledge:

  • Particle model, interactions, atoms, nuclei, size scales
  • Electric/magnetic fields
  • Acceleration of charged particles in electric fields
  • Deflection of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields (Lorentz force = centripetal force)

If necessary, we can offer a short introductory lecture about the facility (<= 30min) and discuss the basics of accelerator physics and the experiments.

In total, you should plan at least 2 hours (excluding the introductory lecture) or 2.5 hours for the on-site tour.

Since the accelerator facility is a radiation protection area all visitors must take part in radiation protection instructions before entering (duration approx. 15 minutes). The following restrictions apply: All visitors must be at least 16 years old. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not allowed to enter the facility. For the radiation protection instruction, we need a list in advance with the names and birth dates of all participants.

If you are interested in a tour, please contact Since the tour can only take place during operational and maintenance breaks of the system, please consult our beam schedule for suggested dates.


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