- TA4-1, A. Fantini, Eta photoproduction at BGOOD
- TA4-2, P. Levi Sandri, Eta prime photoproduction off the proton close to threshold
- TA4-3, P. Levi Sandri, The study of unconventional states at BGOOD
- TA4-4, G. Mandaglio, K* photoproduction at BGOOD
- TA4-5, G. Mandaglio, A Cherenkov detector for BGOOD
- TA4-6, P. Pedroni, Maintenance and improvement of the MWPC at BGOOD
- TA4-7, K. Livingston, n pi0 photoproduction with the Bonn/Dubna polarised target at CBELSA/TAPS
- TA4-8, K. Livingston, Measurement of p eta' photoproduction at CBELSA/TAPS
- TA4-9, A. Fantini, MRPC detector development for BGOOD