Research Offers in our Group

We are always working on current research topics in the field of experimental particle physics and are looking forward to active support! For concrete offers we are gladly available in a get-to-know conversation.

Bachelor Thesis

The bachelor thesis is intended as the final module of the bachelor program and provides first insight into the daily activities of a research group. During the 4-month time period of your thesis, you have the chance to obtain your first experience in scientific working and to activley contribute to novel findings in physics. We appreciate your interest in our group and will gladly inform you about open projects!

Bachelor Theses which were conducted in our group:

Master Thesis

Within the scope of one year, a Master Thesis in our group offers the opportunity to work extensively on an individual research topic which includes the realiziation of your learned/ self-developed ideas in your own project. The project covers current research topics and thus always contributes to the general scientific progress. We appreciate your interest in our group and will gladly inform you about open projects!

Master Theses which were conducted in our group:

PhD Project

During a doctoral program, you will work on complexe research topics and contribute to the general scientific progress. In addition to the exchange with scientists from our research group and the University of Bonn, international contacts can be made at conferences and stays abroad, and communication skills can be improved through teaching and outreach activities. The doctoral program lasts on average between 3 and 5 years.

PhD Theses which were conducted in our group:

Useful Links


Please write an e-mail or call to get in touch!

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