| Thomas Grimm | +49 89 323 54 532 | t.w.grimm theory.person@theoretical.physics.com uu.nl | web |
Now at Utrecht University |
 | Murad Alim | +1 617 49 6 5629 | alim theory.person@theoretical.physics.com physics.harvard.edu | |
 | Piotr Sułkowski | +1 626 395 6418 | psulkows theory.person@theoretical.physics.com theory.caltech.edu | web |
Now at Caltech |
 | Tae-Won Ha | | tha theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | web |
Now at TNG Technology Consulting |
 | Babak Haghighat | +1-617-496-8199 | babak theory.person@theoretical.physics.com physics.harvard.edu | |
 | Denis Klevers | +1 215 898 7621 | klevers theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | web |
 | Marco Rauch | | rauch theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | |
Now at d-fine consulting |
 | Daniel Lopes | | dlopes theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | web |
Now at Universidad de Brasilia |
 | Thomas Wotschke | | thomas.wotschke theory.person@theoretical.physics.com googlemail.com | |
 | Maximilian Poretschkin | | mporet theory.person@theoretical.physics.com sas.upenn.edu | |
 | Jose Miguel Zapata Rolon | | zapata theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | |
Now at Cologne University |
 | Marc Schiereck | | marc theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | |
Now at TNG Technology Consulting |
 | Hans Jockers | | hjockers theory.person@theoretical.physics.com uni-mainz.de | web |
Mainz University |
 | Jan Manschot | | manschot theory.person@theoretical.physics.com uni-bonn.de | |
Now at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
 | Masoud Soroush | | soroush theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | |
Now at Brandeis |
| Navaneeth Gaddam | | gaddam theory.person@theoretical.physics.com uu.nl | |
Now at Utrecht University |
 | Jie Gu | | jiegu theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | web |
Southeast University |
 | Jonas Reuter | | jreuter theory.person@theoretical.physics.com th.physik.uni-bonn.de | web |
 | Hung-Yu Yeh | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
 | Thorsten Schimannek | | thorsten.schimannek theory.person@theoretical.physics.com univie.ac.at | |
Now at Sorbonne Université |
 | Thaisa Guio | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Univesidade Federal do Espirito Santo |
 | Andreas Gerhardus | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now in meteorology and machine learining |
 | Cesar Alberto Fierro Cota | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now at Hamburg Univerity |
 | Urmi Ninad | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now in meteorology and machine learining |
 | Mahsa Barzegar | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now in biology |
 | Abhinav Joshi | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now in medicine |
 | Xin Wang | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now at Korea Institute of Advanced Study, Seoul |
 | Rongvoram Nivesvivat | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now at IPhT, Saclay |
 | Yannik Schüler | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |
Now at the University of Sheffield |
 | Marvin Kohlmann | | theory.person@theoretical.physics.com | |