2nd place at Jugend Forscht for two Bonn high-school students
Prof. Desch's working group supervised two student research projects on particle physics. With their work, the two students took 2nd place in the regional round of Jugend Forscht.
International Masterclasses "hands on particle physics" 2023
On March 7, 14, and 30, students in grades 10 and up can dive into the world of particle physics!
Impact of the EURO2020 soccer championship on the spread of COVID-19
How can a large-scale, multinational social "experiment" — the UEFA European Soccer Championship 2020 — be used as a laboratory for assigning COVID-19 cases to short-term behavioural changes, and to understand how epidemiological conditions determine the impact of such changes?
Under the Christmas tree ...
The new website of the Physikalisches Institut is online!
Christmas Physics Show "Physikalischer Adventskalender"
On December 21 and 22, students of the Physics Show of the University of Bonn under the direction of Prof. Herbert Dreiner will present a Christmas physics show under the title "Physikalischer Adventskalender".
International Cosmic Day at University of Bonn
On November 22, 2022, the International Cosmic Day took place worldwide. The University of Bonn also participated with an event.
200 years Rudolph Clausius
Rudolph Clausius was born on January 2, 1822. For two decades he was a professor of physics at the University of Bonn and shaped the development of physics and chemistry as well as many other sciences with his studies on thermodynamics and the concept of entropy.
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