70 Years of CERN: Celebrate with us!
The European nuclear research centre CERN is turning 70, celebrate with us from 14-20 September 2024 at the University of Bonn. The major anniversary of particle physics research in Europe will be celebrated on a big stage in Berlin this week and we would also like to contribute to the celebrations in Bonn with a series of events.
Physikshow-Musical opens its doors again
The physics show at the University of Bonn invites you to a new edition of its musical "PLANETAMOS": On Friday, August 23, at 2:30 and 6:30 pm and on Saturday, August 24, at 11:00 am, students will show what makes life on Earth possible from a physics perspective. In the Wolfgang-Paul-Hörsaal, Kreuzbergweg 28, 53115 Bonn, the audience can expect two hours of entertaining demonstrations and live music. Interested parties and families with children aged twelve and over can now reserve seats free of charge using the registration form. Representatives of the media are cordially invited to report on the event. The show is in German.
Scattering processes in particle accelerators
Professor Claude Duhr is the speaker for a new Research Unit for particle physics which DFG will be funding over the next four years. From the Physikalisches Institut, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Florian Loebbert  and Prof. Dr. Albrecht Klemm are also Principal Investigators in the new project.
Repelling Yet Still Sticking Together
How can a structure hold together if its individual components are actually repelling one another? An international research team has now demonstrated one example of such a highly excited exotic quantum state of matter. Researchers from the University of Bonn played a major role in the study. The findings have now been published in the journal “Nature.”
Florian Bernlochner elected as new Belle II spokesperson
The international Belle II collaboration has elected Florian Bernlochner, Professor at the Physikalisches Institut of University of Bonn, as its next spokesperson. This role is of central importance to the collaboration. Starting in the summer of 2025, under his leadership, Belle II will prepare for an upgrade and collect data at unprecedented collision rates. Belle II plays a key role in the planned Excellence Cluster "Color meets Flavor".
Future Collider @ CERN
From May 22-24 about 150 physicists from the German particle physics community met at the University of Bonn.
Prof. Klaus Desch started the "Kinderuni" in Summer Term 2024
"Unraveling the puzzle"- this is the motto under which the University of Bonn opened the summer-term Kinderuni on Monday, April 15. In his lecture, Prof. Klaus Desch from the Physikalisches Institut made the invisible visible!
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